Source code for refinement

""" This module implement the structure of oct-trees for the implementation
of the Fast Multipolar Method (FMM). 

. note::

  Most of this code is not used, since we disabled the use of the FMM for
  the simulations reported in the paper.  However, the simulated tree is
  embedded in a bounding box defined by a :class:`Box` instance.

import timeit

from itertools import product

from numpy import *

    import pylab
    from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
except ImportError:

import mpolar


[docs]class Box(object): """ Class of 3d boxes. Each box can be linked to a set of charges.""" def __init__(self, r0, r1, parent=None, rel_coords=None, electrode=None): """ Initializes a box. r0 contains the smaller (x, y, z) coordinates and r1 the largest (x, y, z). """ self.r0 = r0 self.r1 = r1 = 0.5 * (r0 + r1) self.lengths = (r1 - r0) self.children = [] self.parent = parent self.outward, self.inward = None, None if parent is not None: self.level = parent.level + 1 else: self.level = 0 if rel_coords is None or parent is None: self.coords = array([0, 0, 0]) else: self.coords = parent.coords * 2 + rel_coords self.rf = None self.electrode = electrode def clear(self, recurse=True): self.outward, self.inward = None, None if recurse: for child in self.children: child.clear()
[docs] def refine(self): """ Creates the 8 children of the box. """ for t in ndindex(2, 2, 2): r0 = self.r0 + array(t) * self.lengths / 2 r1 = r0 + self.lengths / 2 self.children.append(Box(r0, r1, parent=self, rel_coords=array(t)))
[docs] def set_charges(self, r, q, max_charges=None, min_length=0, evaluation=True): """ Sets the charges of this box. If max_charges is not None, refines the box into smaller children until each leaf box contains no more than max_charges. If evaluation is true, assumes that the charge points will also be the evaluation points. """ self.r = r self.q = q self.n = len(q) if evaluation: self.rv = self.r self.phi = zeros((self.r.shape[0],)) # We do the reflection that implements the image charge method after # setting the evaluation points because we are not usually interested # in evaluating "image fields". if self.electrode: self.r, self.q = self.electrode.extend(self.r, self.q) self.n = len(self.q) if (max_charges is not None and self.n > max_charges and 2 * min_length < self.lengths[0]): indices = self._indices(self.r) if not self.children: self.refine() self.flt = empty([8, len(self.q)], dtype=bool) if evaluation: # Note that when electrode != None self.q and q are not the same # (the former includes the reflections). To evaluate only # at self.rv we create a view of the first half of flt. self.fltv = self.flt[:, :len(q)].view() for i, child in enumerate(self.children): self.flt[i, :] = (indices == i) child.set_charges(self.r[self.flt[i, :], :], self.q[self.flt[i, :]], max_charges=max_charges, evaluation=evaluation)
[docs] def update_charges(self, q): """ Recursively re-set the charges contained in the box. This keeps the refinement oct-tree. """ if self.electrode is not None: q = r_[q, self.electrode.images_q(self.r, q)] self.q[:] = q for i, child in enumerate(self.children): child.update_charges(q[self.flt[i, :]])
[docs] def set_evaluation(self, rv): """ Recursively sets the points where the potential will be evaluated. """ self.rv = rv self.phi = zeros((self.rv.shape[0],)) indices = self._indices(rv) self.fltv = empty([8, len(self.phi)], dtype=bool) for i, child in enumerate(self.children): self.fltv[i, :] = (indices == i) child.set_evaluation(rv[self.fltv[i, :], :])
[docs] def set_field_evaluation(self, rf): """ Recursively sets the points where the fields will be evaluated. """ self.rf = rf self.field = zeros((self.rf.shape[0], 3)) indices = self._indices(rf) self.fltf = empty([8, self.rf.shape[0]], dtype=bool) for i, child in enumerate(self.children): self.fltf[i, :] = (indices == i) #print self.fltf[i, :] if any(self.fltf[i, :]): child.set_field_evaluation(rf[self.fltf[i, :], :])
def _indices(self, r): """ Finds the child indices (from 0 to 7) of the points at r. """ bits = (2 * (r - self.r0[newaxis, :]) / self.lengths[newaxis, :]) bits = bits.astype('i') # We do not want to exclude the boundaries with higher values bits = where(bits < 2, bits, 1) p2 = array([4, 2, 1]) # This is the index of the chid where each charge is sitting return dot(bits, p2)
[docs] def collect_solutions(self, field=False): """ Collects the solution for each of the box's children. """ for i, child in enumerate(self.children): child.collect_solutions(field=field) self.phi[self.fltv[i, :]] = child.phi if field and child.rf is not None: # Note that if child contains field evaluation points, # then self do too. self.field[self.fltf[i, :], :] = child.field
[docs] def is_near_neighbour(self, other): """ Checks whether other is a near neighbour of this box. Note that they must belong to the same oct-tree or the algorithm fails. """ if self.level != other.level: return False return mpolar.are_near_neighbours(self.coords, other.coords) #absdif = abs(self.coords - other.coords) # Note that every box is considered a near-neighbour of herself. #return all(absdif <= 1)
def is_well_separated(self, other): return not self.is_near_neighbour(other)
[docs] def build_lists(self, recurse=False): """ Builds the lists of near-neighbours and the interaction list of this box. Assumes that the near-neighbours are already calculated up in the tree. """ self.interaction_list = [] self.neighbours = [self] if self.parent is not None: for other in self.parent.neighbours: if not other.children: # Here we must count the direct interaction between boxes # at different levels. self.neighbours.append(other) for child in other.children: if self.is_well_separated(child): self.interaction_list.append(child) elif self != child: self.neighbours.append(child) if recurse: for child in self.children: child.build_lists(recurse=True)
[docs] def expand(self, p): """ Directly calculates the multipolar expansion of this box around its center. """ self.outward = mpolar.expand(p, self.r -[newaxis, :], self.q, OUTWARD)
[docs] def collect(self): """ Collects the multipolar expansions of this box's children, translate them to the center and sums them. """ for i, t in enumerate(ndindex(2, 2, 2)): rshift = (t - array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) * self.lengths / 2 M_child = mpolar.shift(rshift, OUTWARD, self.children[i].outward) self.outward += M_child
[docs] def upward(self, p): """ Goes through the oct-tree. For leaves of the tree, directly calculates the multipole expansion; for nodes with descendants calculates the expansion by adding the children's expansion. This is called "Upward Pass" in the Greengard papers. """ # Here we build an outward and an inward expansion for each box # that are initially set to zero self.inward = zeros((p, p), dtype='complex128') self.outward = zeros((p, p), dtype='complex128') if not self.children: self.expand(p) return for child in self.children: child.upward(p) self.collect()
[docs] def collect_inward(self): """ Calculates the inward (local) expansions of all boxes in the interaction list and adds them. """ for other in self.interaction_list: rshift = - M = mpolar.shift(rshift, INOUT, other.outward) # mpolar.accum(self.inward, # mpolar.shift(rshift, INOUT, other.outward)) self.inward[:, :] += M
[docs] def eval_subtree(self, other): """ DEBUG purposes only. """ #self.phi += mpolar.eval_array(other.outward, # self.r -[:, newaxis], # OUTWARD) self.phi +=, other.q, self.r) for child in self.children: child.eval_subtree(other)
[docs] def downward(self): """ Performs the "Downward Pass" of the Greengard papers. """ self.collect_inward() for child in self.children: rshift = - child.inward[:, :] += mpolar.shift(-rshift, INWARD, self.inward) child.downward()
[docs] def solve(self, a, field=False): """ Once we have the local expansion for the box and the list of near-neighbours, we can finally evaluate the potential. Note that generally this function is called only for leaf nodes. """ self.phi[:] = mpolar.eval_array(self.inward, self.rv -[newaxis, :], INWARD) for other in self.neighbours: self.phi +=, other.q, self.rv, a) if field and self.rf is not None: self.field[:, :] = mpolar.eval_field_array( self.inward, self.rf -[newaxis, :], INWARD) for other in self.neighbours: self.field += mpolar.field_direct(other.r, other.q, self.rf, a)
[docs] def solve_all(self, a=0.0, **kwargs): """ Calls solve for the leaf nodes of the sub-tree rooted at self. """ if not self.children: self.solve(a, **kwargs) else: for child in self.children: child.solve_all(a, **kwargs)
def plot(self, dims=[0, 1], recurse=False, **kwargs): r0 = self.r0[dims] r1 = self.r1[dims] lx, ly = r1 - r0 rect = Rectangle(r0, lx, ly, **kwargs) pylab.gca().add_patch(rect) if recurse: for child in self.children: child.plot(dims=dims, recurse=True, **kwargs) def scatter(self, dims=[0, 1], **kwargs): if len(self.phi) == 0: return x = self.rv[:, dims[0]] y = self.rv[:, dims[1]] pylab.scatter(x, y, c=self.phi, **kwargs) def scatter_leafs(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.children: self.scatter(*args, **kwargs) else: for child in self.children: child.scatter_leafs(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): #return str(self.coords) return "(%s)@%d" % (str(self.coords), self.level)
[docs]def containing_box(r, electrode=None): """ Builds a Box object that contains all k points in r[3, k]. The Box has to be a perfect cube for the FMM to work. If reflect is True, inludes also the reflection of all points over the z=0 plane. """ if electrode is not None: r = concatenate((r, electrode.images_r(r)), axis=0) rmin = amin(r, axis=0) rmax = amax(r, axis=0) lengths = rmax - rmin center = 0.5 * (rmax + rmin) sides = amax(lengths) * ones((3,)) r0 = center - sides / 2 r1 = center + sides / 2 return Box(r0, r1, electrode=electrode)
def main(): k = 1200 r = random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(k, 3)) q = random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=k) # Let's make things simpler #r[2, :] = pi / 5 q[:] = 1.0 r0 = array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]) r1 = array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) #pylab.plot(r[0, :], r[1, :], 'o', mfc='k', mec='k') box = Box(r0, r1) box.plot(recurse=True, fill=False) pylab.xlim([-1, 1]) pylab.ylim([-1, 1]) box.set_charges(r, q, max_charges=5) box.build_lists(recurse=True) box.upward(15) box.downward() box.solve_all() box.collect_solutions() phi =, q, r, 0.0) box.scatter_leafs(vmin=0, vmax=1200) pylab.colorbar() # Let's compare with the exact solution pylab.figure(2) box.plot(recurse=True, fill=False) pylab.xlim([-1, 1]) pylab.ylim([-1, 1]) pylab.scatter(r[:, 0], r[:, 1], c=phi, vmin=0, vmax=1200) pylab.colorbar() err = sqrt(sum((phi - box.phi)**2)) / k savetxt("cmp.txt", c_[phi, box.phi]) print "Error = %g" % err if __name__ == '__main__': main()