Source code for readinput

""" This is an auxiliary module for reading input .ini files.
It is based on Python's stdlib 
`ConfigParser <>`_

This module also provides functionality for setting run sets where
one or more of the parameters run over a list of values.

import os, os.path, socket
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, RawConfigParser, NoOptionError
from warnings import warn
from itertools import product
import re

import numpy

[docs]def guess_type(s): """ Converts s into int or float if possible. If not, leave it as a string. This will give us problems if the user wants to e.g. use filenames or run names that can be parser as a number. So have to implement a better approach whereby parameter names are associated with types. """ try: return int(s) except ValueError: pass try: return float(s) except ValueError: pass return s # These are decorators to check allowed values.
[docs]def positive(func): """ A decorator to constraint the parameter to positive values. """ def f(s): r = func(s) if not r >= 0: raise ValueError("%s must be positive" % func.func_name) return r f.__doc__ = func.__doc__ f.func_name = func.func_name return f # These are decorators to check allowed values.
[docs]def nonnegative(func): """ A decorator to constraint the parameter to nonnegative values. """ def f(s): r = func(s) if r < 0: raise ValueError("%s must be positive" % func.func_name) return r f.__doc__ = func.__doc__ f.func_name = func.func_name return f # A decorator to set a default value, stored in the dictionary PARAM_DEFAULTS
PARAM_DEFAULTS = {} def default(value): def deco(func): global PARAM_DEFAULTS PARAM_DEFAULTS[func.func_name] = value return func return deco
[docs]def load_input(fname, parameters, d=None, upper=False, raw=False): """ Loads an input file and stores its values in the dictionary d. If upper is true, transforms the parameter names to upper case. """ if d is None: d = dict() config = SafeConfigParser() defaults = dict(home=os.environ['HOME'], user=os.environ['LOGNAME'], cwd=os.getcwd(), input=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0], input_dir=os.path.split(os.path.realpath(fname))[0], hostname=socket.gethostname()) for section in ['global', 'parameters']: for name, value in config.items(section, vars=defaults, raw=raw): print name, repr(value) try: func = getattr(parameters, name) value = expand(value, func) print "%-30s =\t%-10s [%s]" % (name, repr(value), func.__doc__) except AttributeError: warn("'%s' is not defined as a parameter." % name) value = guess_type(value) if upper: name = name.upper() d[name] = value r = PARAM_DEFAULTS.copy() r.update(d) return r
RE_LIST = re.compile(r'@\((.+)\)') RE_LOOP = re.compile(r'@@\(([\d.-]+):([\d.-]+)(:([\d.-]+))?\)')
[docs]def expand(s, parser): """ Expands special characters to produce e.g. lists of many parameters. """ # All expansions start with the symbol '@': if not '@' in s: return parser(s) m = RE_LIST.match(s) if m: return [parser(x) for x in] m = RE_LOOP.match(s) if m: if is not None: a, b, c = parser(, parser(, parser( else: a, b, c = parser(, parser(, None r = numpy.arange(a, b, c) print r print [parser(x) for x in r] return [parser(str(x)) for x in r]
[docs]def expand_dict(d): """ Takes a dictionary that may contain a few lists as values and returns an iterator over dictionaries where each of these elements is iterated. """ keys, lists = zip(*[(k, v) for k, v in d.iteritems() if isinstance(v, list)]) for tpl in product(*lists): d0 = d.copy() for k, v in zip(keys, tpl): d0[k] = v yield d0
[docs]def expand_input(ifile, parameters): """ Expands an input file by expanding some of its arguments. """ d = load_input(ifile, parameters, d={}, upper=False, raw=True) base = os.path.splitext(ifile)[0] config = RawConfigParser() l = [] for i, d0 in enumerate(expand_dict(d)): fname = '%s_%.4d.ini' % (base, i) l.append(fname) with open(fname, 'w') as fp: for k, v in d0.iteritems(): for sect in config.sections(): try: old = config.get(sect, k) config.set(sect, k, v) except NoOptionError: pass config.write(fp) return l
def main(): import sys import parameters expand_input(sys.argv[1], parameters) # d = load_input(sys.argv[1], parameters, d={}, upper=True) # for d0 in expand_dict(d): # print d0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()