Source code for parameters

""" This is the parameter description file.  Basically it provides a namespace
where we store a function per input parameter.  Each function receives a string
and is responsible for converting to the appropriate type, checking for
allowed values.  The docstring of the function is a description of the
parameter. """

from readinput import positive, nonnegative, default

[docs]def run_name(s): """ Name of the run. """ return s
[docs]def out_file(s): """ File name (including path) of the .h5 output file. """ return s
[docs]def desc(s): """ A comment to describe this simulation. It is ignored by the code. """ return s
[docs]def random_seed(s): """ Seed for the random generator. If < 0 the system time is used (default).""" return int(s)
[docs]def dummy(s): """ This parameter is completely ignored. It is used only to produce series of identical runs. """
@positive def max_charges_per_box(s): """ Maximum number of charges per box in the FMM refinement scheme. """ return int(s) @positive def fmm_threshold(s): """ Threshold in the number of charges between using the direct solver \ and FMM solver. """ return int(s) @positive def multipolar_terms(s): """ Order of the multipole expansion in the FMM. """ return int(s)
[docs]def external_field(s): """ Externally applied electric field in the z direction. """ return float(s)
@positive def conductance(s): """ Conductance of the channels. """ return float(s) @positive def maxwell_factor(s): """ Maxwell factor for the potential and electric fields. In SI units it is 1 / 4 pi epsilon_0""" return float(s) @positive def tip_mobility(s): """ Ratio between the tip velocity of each streamer and the local field. """ return float(s) @default(0) @nonnegative def tip_min_field(s): """ Minimum field at the tip for a streamer to propagate. """ return float(s) @default(0) @nonnegative def initial_nodes(s): """ Starts the simulation with a vertical string with this number of charged nodes separated a distance CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS. """ return int(s) @positive def end_time(s): """ Final time of the simulation. """ return float(s) @positive def time_step(s): """ Timestep of the simulation. """ return float(s) @positive def conductor_thickness(s): """ Thickness of the conductors for the thin-wire approximation. """ return float(s) @nonnegative def branching_probability(s): """ Probability that a filament branches per unit distance travelled. """ return float(s) @positive def branching_sigma(s): """ Standard deviation of the branching dispacement in the symmetric gaussian branching model. """ return float(s) @default(0) @nonnegative def single_branching_time(s): """ If nonzero, performs a single branching at the given time. """ return float(s) @default(0)
[docs]def single_branching_z(s): """ If nonzero, performs a single branching at the given z. """ return float(s)
[docs]def fixed_branching_angle(s): """ If nonzero, fixes the angle between sibling branches. """ return float(s)
[docs]def branch_in_xz(s): """ If true, branches always within the XZ plane. """ return (s.lower() == 'true')
[docs]def electrode_geometry(s): """ The electrode geometry. """ return s.lower()
@positive def electrode_radius(s): """ Radius of an spherical electrode. """ return float(s) @default(0)
[docs]def electrode_potential(s): """ Electrostatic potential of a (spherical) electrode. """ return float(s)
[docs]def max_step(s): """ Longest step for a channel in dt. The timestep will be reduced to satisfy this constraint""" return float(s)
[docs]def end_with_reconnection(s): """ If true, finishes when a reconnection is detected """ return (s.lower() == 'true')