Source code for grow_tree

""" is the main module of the code and the one you invoke from
the command line to start a simulation. 

To start a simulation with parameters read from a file simulation.ini
simply invoke this module as::

   python simulation.ini

The output will be written in a file name simulation.h5 with a 
`HDF5 <>`_ format.

# In this module and in all the rest, the geometrical dimension always
# corresponds to the last axis of an array.  For example to save the locations
# of k points we use an array with shape [k, 3].
# All-caps variable names are in general global variables that are read
# from the input file.  We use globals().update(...) so they are avaliable
# everywhere.

import sys
import time

from numpy import *
from numpy.random import rand, randn, seed
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.integrate import odeint, ode

from readinput import load_input
import tree
from refinement import Box, containing_box
import mpolar
from datafile import DataFile
import os.path
from angles import branching_angles
import parameters as param_descriptors
import electrodes
from contexttimer import ContextTimer

latest_phi = None
X, Y, Z = 0, 1, 2

class TooLongTimestep(Exception):

[docs]def main(): """ This is the main function of the code it is the starting point of a simulation. """ # Load input parameters from the input file and add the, in allcaps # to the global namespace. global EXTERNAL_FIELD_VECTOR, ELECTRODE parameters = load_input(sys.argv[1], param_descriptors) globals().update(dict((key.upper(), item) for key, item in parameters.iteritems())) if RANDOM_SEED >= 0: seed(RANDOM_SEED) EXTERNAL_FIELD_VECTOR = array([0.0, 0.0, EXTERNAL_FIELD]) ELECTRODE = init_electrode() # init a tree from scratch tr, r0, q0 = init_from_scratch(INITIAL_NODES) dt = TIME_STEP t = r_[0:END_TIME:dt] r, q = r0, q0 dfile = DataFile(OUT_FILE, parameters=parameters) branched = False for i, it in enumerate(t): # with ContextTimer("plotting"): # plot_projections(r, q) # pylab.savefig('tree_%.3d.png' % i) # print 't = %g\ttree_%.3d.png' % (it, i) print "%d/%d t = %g" % (i, len(t), it) branch_prob = BRANCHING_PROBABILITY if SINGLE_BRANCHING_TIME > 0: if it > SINGLE_BRANCHING_TIME: if not branched: branch_prob = inf branched = True if SINGLE_BRANCHING_Z != 0 and not branched: zterm = r[tr.terminals()[0], Z] if zterm < SINGLE_BRANCHING_Z: if not branched: branch_prob = inf branched = True r, q = adapt_step(tr, r, q, dt, p=branch_prob) with ContextTimer("saving %d" % i): phi = solve_phi(r, q) dfile.add_step(it, tr, r, q, phi, error=error, error_dq=error_dq) if END_WITH_RECONNECTION and tr.reconnects(r): print "Finishing due to a reconnection." break
[docs]def init_from_scratch(n=0): """ Init a 'tree' with the root node plus n additional nodes in a vertical string. """ tr = tree.Tree() root = tr.make_root() for i in xrange(n): tr.extend([i,]) r0 = tr.zeros(dim=3) k = r0.shape[0] r0[:, Z] = -arange(k) * CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS q0 = zeros((k, )) return tr, r0, q0
[docs]def adapt_step(tr, r0, q0, dt, p=0.0): """ Performs a step of duration dt but divides it into sub steps to make sure that the length of a channel is never longer than ``MAX_STEP``. """ current_dt = dt r, q = r0, q0 remaining_steps = 1 while remaining_steps > 0: try: r, q = step(tr, r, q, current_dt, p=p) remaining_steps -= 1 except TooLongTimestep: current_dt /= 2. remaining_steps *= 2 return r, q
[docs]def step(tr, r, q0, dt, p=0.0): """ Performs an elementary step, including relaxation and advancing the channels. Arguments: * *tr*: the :class:`tree.Tree` instance containing the tree structure. * *r*: an array containing the node locations. * *q0*: an array containing the charges of the nodes. * *dt*: the time step. """ iterm = tr.terminals() box = containing_box(r, electrode=ELECTRODE) box.set_charges(r, q0, max_charges=MAX_CHARGES_PER_BOX, min_length=16 * CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS) box.build_lists(recurse=True) box.set_field_evaluation(r[iterm, :]) # 1. Calculate the velocities at t v0 = velocities(box, tr, r, q0) # 2. Relax the tree from t to t + dt q1 = relax(box, tr, r, q0, dt) # 3. Calculate the velocities again at t + dt v1 = velocities(box, tr, r, q1) # 4. Extend the tree with the leap-frog algo. v = 0.5 * (v0 + v1) # 5. Branch some of the tips vabs = sqrt(sum(v**2, axis=1)) # If the longest step is longer than MAX_STEP, raise an exception # telling the calling function to reduce dt. if (max(vabs) * dt) > MAX_STEP: raise TooLongTimestep does_branch = rand(*iterm.shape) < (p * vabs * dt) radv = empty((sum(does_branch) + sum(vabs > 0), 3)) j = 0 for i, branches in enumerate(does_branch): if not branches: if vabs[i] > 0: radv[j, :] = r[iterm[i], :] + dt * v[i, :] j += 1 else: # Note that slow channels, although unlikely, may branch. # However, not if their velocity is 0 dr1, dr2 = symmetric_gaussian(dt * v[i, :], BRANCHING_SIGMA) radv[j, :] = r[iterm[i], :] + dr1 radv[j + 1, :] = r[iterm[i], :] + dr2 j += 2 rnew = concatenate((r, radv), axis=0) qnew = concatenate((q1, zeros((sum(does_branch) + sum(vabs > 0),))), axis=0) tr.extend(sort(r_[iterm[vabs > 0], iterm[does_branch]])) return rnew, qnew
[docs]def velocities(box, tr, r, q): """ Calculates the electric fields at the tips of the tree and from them obtains the propagation velocities of the *streamers* """ iterm = tr.terminals() # When we have a single charge the velocity is simply given by the # external electric field if len(q) == 1: return TIP_MOBILITY * external_field(r[iterm, :]) box.update_charges(q) box.upward(MULTIPOLAR_TERMS) box.downward() box.solve_all(a=CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS, field=True) box.collect_solutions(field=True) sfields = self_fields(tr, r, q) E = (MAXWELL_FACTOR * box.field + MAXWELL_FACTOR * sfields + external_field(r[iterm, :])) absE = sqrt(sum(E**2, axis=1)) # An unit vector with the same direction as E u = E / absE[:, newaxis] # Now we can calculate the absolute value of the velocity vabs = TIP_MOBILITY * where(absE > TIP_MIN_FIELD, absE - TIP_MIN_FIELD, 0) v = u * vabs[:, newaxis] return v
[docs]def self_fields(tr, r, q): """ Calculates the fields created by the charges at the streamer tips on themselves. """ iterm = tr.terminals() parents = tr.parents()[iterm] dr = r[iterm, :] - r[parents, :] u = dr / (sqrt(sum(dr**2, axis=1)))[:, newaxis] return q[iterm][:, newaxis] * u / CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS**2
[docs]def relax(box, tr, r, q0, dt): """ Relax the conductor :class:`tree.Tree` *tr* for a time *dt*. Arguments: * *tr*: the :class:`tree.Tree` instance containing the tree structure. * *r*: an array containing the node locations. * *q0*: an array containing the charges of the nodes. * *dt*: the time step. """ global latest_phi, error, error_dq #with ContextTimer("re-computing Ohm matrix"): # If we have an electrode, we fix q[0] by setting the first row of # M to zero. fix = [] if ELECTRODE is None else [0] # On Fri Aug 31 11:46:47 2012 I found a factor 2 here that I do not know # where it comes from. Probably it was a reliq of the mid-points approach # (But it was duplicated in ohm_matrix anyway!). I am removing it. M = CONDUCTANCE * tr.ohm_matrix(r, fix=fix) n = len(q0) def f(t0, q): global latest_phi, error, error_dq phi = solve_phi(r, q, box) # err = sqrt(sum((phi - box.phi)**2)) / len(phi) latest_phi = phi error = phi - latest_phi error_dq = dq = + external_potential(r)) return dq d = ode(f).set_integrator('vode', nsteps=250000, rtol=1e-8) d.set_initial_value(q0, 0.0) d.integrate(dt) return d.y
def solve_phi(r, q, box=None): if len(q) >= FMM_THRESHOLD and box is not None: # with ContextTimer("FMM") as ct_fmm: box.update_charges(q) box.upward(MULTIPOLAR_TERMS) box.downward() box.solve_all(a=CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS, field=False) box.collect_solutions(field=False) phi = MAXWELL_FACTOR * box.phi else: # with ContextTimer("direct") as ct_direct: if ELECTRODE is None: rx, qx = r, q else: rx, qx = ELECTRODE.extend(r, q) phi0 = MAXWELL_FACTOR *, qx, r, CONDUCTOR_THICKNESS) phi = phi0 return phi
[docs]def symmetric_gaussian(dr, sigma): """ Samples a branch from a symmetric, gaussian branching model. In a plane perpendicular to dr we sample dr1 from a cylindrically symmetric gaussian distribution; the two branching points are dr1 and its symmetric vector wrt dr. """ u = dr / norm(dr) # We find two unit vectors orthonormal to u (also dr); note that this # fails if u is parallel to x !!! ex = array([1.0, 0, 0]) e1 = ex - dot(u, ex) * u e1 = e1 / norm(e1) e2 = cross(u, e1) if not BRANCH_IN_XZ: p, q = sigma * randn(2) else: if FIXED_BRANCHING_ANGLE > 0: p, q = norm(dr) * tan(FIXED_BRANCHING_ANGLE / 2), 0.0 else: p, q = sigma * randn(), 0.0 dr1 = dr + (p * e1 + q * e2) dr2 = dr - (p * e1 + q * e2) if FIXED_BRANCHING_ANGLE > 0: # This is to avoid too long segments at branching points. # Presently I am doing it only here to preserve compatibility # with the algorithm described in the paper as of Sat Mar 23 20:58:46 2013 dr1 *= norm(dr) / norm(dr1) dr2 *= norm(dr) / norm(dr2) return dr1, dr2
[docs]def external_field(r): """ Calculates the external field at points *r*. This is calculated from ``EXTERNAL_FIELD`` and ``ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL``. As the code stands now only these two possibilities are physically meaningful: 1. Specify ``EXTERNAL_FIELD`` with a planar electrode or with no electrode, but use ``ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL=0``. 2. ``ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL != 0``, but ``ELECTRODE_GEOMETRY = 'sphere'`` and ``EXTERNAL_FIELD = 0``. However, we allow the user to shoot himself on his foot, so he can select any arbitrary combination of these parameters. Beware. """ field = EXTERNAL_FIELD_VECTOR[newaxis, :] if ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL == 0: return field center = array([0.0, 0.0, ELECTRODE_RADIUS]) dr = r - center[newaxis, :] rabs = sqrt(sum(dr**2, axis=1)) field = field + (ELECTRODE_RADIUS * ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL * dr / rabs[:, newaxis]**3) return field
[docs]def external_potential(r): """ Calculates the external potential at points *r*. See above, in external_field for the risks here. """ phi = -dot(r, EXTERNAL_FIELD_VECTOR) if ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL == 0: return phi center = array([0.0, 0.0, ELECTRODE_RADIUS]) dr = r - center[newaxis, :] rabs = sqrt(sum(dr**2, axis=1)) phi = phi + ELECTRODE_RADIUS * ELECTRODE_POTENTIAL / rabs return phi
[docs]def init_electrode(): """ Uses the input parameters to select an electrode geometry. """ def planar(): """ Planar electrode. Always located at z=0. """ return electrodes.Planar(0) def sphere(): """ Sphere electrode. Located at [0, 0, -ELECTRODE_RADIUS]. """ center = array([0.0, 0.0, ELECTRODE_RADIUS]) return electrodes.Sphere(center, ELECTRODE_RADIUS) def null(): """ No electrode. """ # return electrodes.NullElectrode() # This is actually faster: return None d = dict(planar=planar, plane=planar, sphere=sphere, null=null, none=null) try: return d[ELECTRODE_GEOMETRY]() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Electrode geometry '%s' not recognized" % ELECTRODE_GEOMETRY)
def plot_projections(r, q): X, Y, Z = 0, 1, 2 names = ["X", "Y", "Z"] axes = [(X, Z), (Y, Z), (X, Y)] pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.25, right=0.95, top=0.95) for i, (d1, d2) in enumerate(axes): ax = pylab.subplot(2, 2, i) ax.clear() ax.scatter(r[:, d1], r[:, d2], c=q, s=5.0, faceted=False), ax.set_xlabel(names[d1]) ax.set_ylabel(names[d2]) #ax.quiver(r[iterm, 0], r[iterm, 2], field[0, :], field[2, :]) #ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]) #ax.set_ylim([-0.2, 1.0]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()